Testimonial: 3 years searching for diagnosis

Hi Debra,

I finally out of frustration went to Igenex and had a full Western Blot done, and sure enough I have full blown late stage Lyme disease since 2010.

In the past I never felt that I had all the symptoms and never recalled being bit. After spending $15k out of pocket the last 3 years looking for a diagnosis I finally performed the Igenex blood test after reading the Amy Tan article.

I scored off the charts on the anti-bodies and had 4 out of the 5 markers on the kda bands that were definitive of my diagnosis.

I only wished I would have listened to you and did this test a few years ago. I have lost 3.5 years of my life and my fatigue is bone crushing, I can barely get out of bed in the mornings. I have been on anti-depressants for 2 years because all the Dr.’s thought it was depression, not matter how much I tried to convince them it was not.

I am going on month 2 of antibiotics with no change yet, I know I have to be patient. I am also being tested for Babesia and am awaiting the results.

Thank you for forwarding the Amy Tan article.

I now can relate to the pure frustration and empathy that anybody has experienced in trying to get a diagnosis from our closed minded medical society.

Thank you,

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